Friday, October 27, 2017

Here's to Your Health! Health Resources from Terrebonne Parish Library

October, as you probably know, is Breast Cancer Awareness month. But keeping informed about topics related to your overall health and well being shouldn’t be confined to one month. As always, the library is here to help with a wealth of current information pertaining to a wide array of health topics. Whether it’s as serious as cancer or as small as mild acne, we have your health information needs covered with digital resources, available 24/7 at

The best way to access our online health resources in one place from our website is to select the “Databases by Subject” tab from the “Research” drop down menu on our homepage, shown below. From there, scroll down to “Health and Medicine.” You will find a group of databases created for both laypeople and medical professionals.

One of the best places to get started with your own medical research is Consumer Health Complete (Which is also available in Spanish as Salud En Espanol). Consumer Health Complete features one search box to search over 170 full text reference books. As described on the database itself, “More than 170 reference books and encyclopedias provide answers to health-related questions and offer in-depth information on conditions, procedures and treatments. These books cover a wide range of topics from First Aid, baby & child care, diseases, alternative medicine to aging & health and wellness.”

A quick search for “Breast Cancer” yields over 150 results for full text articles in publications such as Mayo Clinic Guide to Women's Cancers, Reduce Your Cancer Risk: Twelve Steps to a Healthier Life, and American Medical Association Family Medical Guide.

Another great resource is Salem Health, where library patrons can view entire books on the following subjects:

At Terrebonne Parish Library, we are proud to provide current and authoritative medical information to make sure our patrons are living their best and healthiest lives. Call or email the Reference department any time to get help navigating these fantastic resources.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Native American Resources at Your Library

On October 12, 1492, Christopher Columbus landed in the "New Word," probably somewhere in what we now consider the Bahamas, and claimed that land for Spain (believing he had landed in East Asia). However,  multitudes of indigenous peoples had existed in the islands, and what we now consider the United States, since well before settlement by Europeans. Due to European conquest and exploration, over the generations, many tribes have unfortunately disappeared. What remains are several federally and state recognized tribes of various sizes and location.  Fortunately, information about the culture and history of many of these tribes have been passed down and is available to us today. Below are a few resources to help you learn more about the fascinating culture and history of America's first people. 

The Encyclopedia Britannica online is a good place to start, with a well written, comprehensive article titled, "Native Americans: Indigenous Peoples of Canada and the United States."

The United States Bureau of Indian Affairs website offers information about modern legislation and issues affecting Native Americans living in the US today. 

Three books on Native American history and culture are available online anytime via Brittanica E-Stax with your Terrebonne Parish Library card. 

Infobase Ebooks has another great, always-available online resource, the Encyclopedia of the American Indian in the Twentieth Century

Reading diversely is important to understanding the experiences of people unlike yourself, or to see yourself reflected in others. A good place to start learning about Native American writers is Native American Writers, New Edition, edited by Harold Bloom, and available 24/7 online at Infobase. 

Looking for something a bit more tangible? Of course, the library has a wide variety of books by and about Native Americans. Check out some of the titles below, or search our catalog online to find out more.