Thursday, January 26, 2012

World Religions Online: Learning About the World's Faiths

World Religions Online is a great, easy-to-use database for learning about faiths from around the globe.  To access this database, go to the library website, at, and click Research on the menu bar.  In the dropdown menu, pick Databases by Subject.

Now go to Religion and Philosophy.  Notice that we have a wide range of other electronic resources on this topic.  For now, click on World Religions Online.  If you are in a Terrebonne Parish Library, the link will take you straight into World Religions Online.  If you are logging in from a computer in a non-library location, you'll be asked for your library card number.  No pin required!


As the image below shows, World Religions Online has articles, videos, and images about all the major religious traditions. 

To begin exploring, click on one of the Topic Centers, as shown above.  Each Topic Center is a gateway to all kinds of information about the religion covered.  There is a a multimedia introduction with videos, as well as a timeline, fact file, image and video galleries, and a list of holidays observed in that tradition.  Toward the bottom of the page, you can find hyperlinked lists of deities, key topics, schools of thought, festivals, and more. 

Whatever religion you want to explore, World Religions Online is a great place to start!

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