Monday, September 17, 2018

Gale Legal Forms: Free Legal Forms for Louisiana

 Since Louisiana still uses the Napoleonic Code to inform its legal proceedings, Louisiana law is unique in the United States. Are you looking for a legal form, specifically one that is appropriate to Louisiana law? Though the library can't offer legal advice (we are librarians, not lawyers!), we can offer you the forms for free. 

Gale Legal Forms Library is a database from US Legal Forms. Categories of legal forms available include the following: 

Don't know where to look? A search function makes finding the correct form less intimidating. Sample searches are provided to get you started. In addition to forms, a limited amount of legal information is provided in the "Legal Q&A" section.

Do you need legal advice or free legal aid? Another site you may consider is A project of Southeast Louisiana Legal Services, the website provides links to free legal help for low income residents as well as current legal information from law professionals. Though this site is not sponsored by or related to the library, it is a fantastic resource and a great place to start before heading to Gale Legal Forms Library to find the appropriate legal form for your situation. 


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