Every day in America, according to the
Occupational Safety Hazard Administration, sixteen people die while doing their jobs. Of course, some are firefighters or police killed in the line of duty while doing jobs that are by nature somewhat dangerous. But others are just regular folks who become the victims of inattention, ill-training, recklessness or, worst of all, a co-worker or customer's criminal intent or mental illness.
Below are some links that you or someone you know might find informative (or life saving). Pass the information along.
OSHA--The Occupational Safety Hazard Administration--The Federal agency charged with making sure that American workplaces know what being safe means...and with making sure that
workers can blow the whistle on those which aren't.
Centers for Disease Control's Workplace Safety--A well-organized and comprehensive resource on occupational and workplace safety, complete with easy-to-understand publications.
The National Institute of Occupational Safety Hazards (NIOSH)--Has a great website that helps you answer the question: "Is my workplace safe?"
The National Safety Council--This hotlink will take you to the website of the Arkansas-Louisiana-Texas chapter of the
National Safety Council, a non-profit organization dedicated to safer products and workplaces.
The Louisiana Department of Labor's Workplace Safety FAQ--Questions and answers about running a safe workplace.
Fatal Facts--OSHA Reports about specific situations in which workers died on the job. Includes investigator opinions as to how the accidents might have been avoided.
Louisiana's Worker's Compensation Page--Links for if the unthinkable happens.
Safety and Health Topics: Workplace Violence (OSHA)--Dealing with co-workers who may be unstable and potentially violent.
Workplace Violence--An excellent handbook, written by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, about the danger of workplace violence and how it can be dealt with by co-workers, supervisors and law enforcement.
The USDA Handbook on Workplace Violence Prevention and ResponseWorkplace Safety EducationThe Terrebonne Parish Library has a wide selection of industrial and workplace safety videos and books available.
Terrebonne Parish Catalog Search:
"Industrial Safety."